Holding your house “open” is an excellent opportunity for potential buyers and/or their friends and family to view or re-view your house.
Because word of mouth can be an excellent resource for getting a house sold, it is important that we work together to put your house’s “best foot forward.” The following checklist will help us do just that.
- Review everything you did to get your house’s exterior ready for sale and update as necessary
- Remove all cars from the driveway
- Make sure windows are clean and sparkling
- Stow all garbage cans and visible pet supplies.
- Review everything you did to get your house’s interior ready for sale and update as necessary
- Make arrangements to board pets away for the day
- Tidy closets and kitchen cupboards
- Discard as many outdated items in the refrigerator as possible
- Secure all prescription medicines
- Clear all surfaces of everything but a few, simple decorative items
- Have professional cleaners in the morning of the open house
- Open all window shades and, weather-permitting, open windows
- Replace all burnt-out and low wattage light bulbs with high-wattage bulbs.
Need more tips on getting your home into tip-top shape for selling and holding open?
An Orlando investment home realtor can help make your dream a reality. Please contact me today.